Friday, May 16, 2008

State of the CM Game

Through methods that may or may not have been legal, I've recovered the latest version of the Crazed Machinations game - the old one, that was based off of Seventh Sky - and am beginning a pretty major overhaul in the fields of graphics, and possibly music. That's right, I'm designing the sprites all by myself. The ones I'm making are considerably smaller than the ones ripped from SRWJ, meaning I'll be able to make a lot of them.

There will also be adjustments to the game system, such as having no weapon equipped(increases speed for running away, lol) and better melee mechanics. One thing that was lost in the work-in-progress version of the old game was the lock-on system, which I hope to reimplement. The boost system will most likely also be receiving an overhaul, maybe to make it more like Seventh Sky(double-click for quick boost?). I'm not quite sure yet.

The main problem is that I cannot on the game itself - it was made with the Pro Edition, which seems not to be working now...(those of you in #fessrp, you know why). Therefore, I'm going to "reacquire" the pro edition, but that won't happen for a few more weeks. So, I'll log my status with sprites and such.

* Movement sprite with no weapon; movement sprite with beam claws; movement sprite for machine cannons - FINISHED
* Preparing or "taking out" the beam claws; preparing the machine cannons - FINISHED
* Super attack graphics(Infinity Cannon) - still need the energy blast sprite, otherwise finished
* Firing machine cannons sprite - FINISHED
* Using beam claws - in progress
* G-Breaker sheath attachment on back - FINISHED
* Scarf attachment - haven't started

Ecaille Guerrier
* Currently working on base sprite design

Music (!?)
* I'm composing a song or two, and have finished one that sounds pretty cool... but I'm not confident in my ability to do this stuff...

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