Wednesday, May 7, 2008

April Gundam Models

Onto April, lol.

Gundam 00 1/100 #5 - Gundam Astraea
I don't know too much about this. I think it's from a sidestory?

Gundam 00 HG #14 - Gundam Throne Drei
The last of three Gundam Thrones from 00 has been released in High Grade format. Have fun pretending to be psychobitch and killing a supporting character's entire family :)

Gundam 00 HG #15 - Gundam Nadleeh
Since Nadleeh hadn't yet been revealed by the time the HG Gundam Virtue came out, they waited until now to release the Nadleeh all by itself. HAIR

BB Senshi #308 - Koumei Re-GZ
Continuing on with the "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms"-themed BB Senshi set, the Koumei Re-GZ only marginally looks like its Gundam counterpart. Its weapon looks awfully badass, though.

Master Grade #106 - Launcher/Sword Strike Gundam
The Strike Gundam has been released again, but this time it comes with the Launcher Striker Pack and the Sword Striker Pack.

Master Grade #107 - Mass-Production Gelgoog (Ver 2.0)
The old-school Gelgoog has been re-released. Sieg Zeon!

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